Kingston Phoenix Road Club

Fastest Times & Positions of 1st Claim Members 2001
Club Championship Trophy
Brian Powney 1:3:48 2:10:31 4:56:05 216.887 = 21.208 mph
Ray Dare 1:4:09 2:16:15 4:54:21 216.620 = 20.958 mph

Ladies' Championship Trophy
Ann Bath 26:22 1:6:58 2:22:52 = 22.051 mph
Jackie Dodd 26:59 1:11:01 2:29:02 = 21.162 mph

Men's Championship Trophy
Brian Powney 1:3:48 2:10:31 4:56:05 = 22.253 mph
Ray Dare 1:4:09 2:16:15 4:54:21 = 21.928 mph
Joe Bertorelli 1:6:16 2:18:00 5:6:36 = 21.314 mph
Grant Pyke 1:11:11 2:33:13 5:32:40 = 19.563 mph

Vets' Championship Trophy
Peter Edwards 23:41 1:0:51 2:20:14 + 3.712 mph
Pete Mitchell 26:33 1:5:43 2:24:26 + 3.406 mph
Ann Bath 26:22 1:6:58 2:22:52 + 2.517 mph
Grant Pyke 27:46 1:11:11 2:33:13 + 1.779 mph
Joe Bertorelli 25:25 1:6:06 2:18:00 + 0.065 mph

10 Miles   25 Miles   50 Miles
Simon Mitchell 23:39 Simon Mitchell 1:0:39 Brian Powney 2:10:31
Peter Edwards 23:41 Peter Edwards 1:0:51 Ray Dare 2:16:15
Iain Margery 25:09 Brian Powney 1:3:48 Joe Bertorelli 2:18:00
Joe Bertorelli 25:25 Ray Dare 1:4:09 Peter Edwards 2:20:14
Brian Powney 25:32 Pete Mitchell 1:5:43 Ann Bath 2:22:52
Frank Cubis 26:13 Iain Margery 1:5:48 Pete Mitchell 2:24:26
Ann Bath 26:22 Joe Bertorelli 1:6:16 Jackie Dodd 2:29:02
Ian Burt 26:30 Ann Bath 1:6:58 Grant Pyke 2:33:13
Tony Tugwell 26:32 Andrew Hewett 1:10:53 100 Miles
Pete Mitchell 26:33 Jackie Dodd 1:11:01
Jackie Dodd 26:59 Grant Pyke 1:11:11 Ray Dare 4:54:21
Jen Dickens 27:16 Mark McNamara 1:12:40 Brian Powney 4:56:05
Andrew Hewett 27:23 Tony Tugwell 1:13:16 Joe Bertorelli 5:6:36
Grant Pyke 27:46 Jen Dickens 1:13:23 Ann Bath 5:17:22
Amy Robinson 28:46 Lisa Colombo 1:15:00 Grant Pyke 5:32:40
Mark McNamara 29:11 Ian Burt 1:21:08 12 Hour
Lisa Colombo 29:35 Amy Robinson 1:22:24
Ron Powney 30:18   Brian Powney 216.887
Frank O'Connor 32:13 Ray Dare 216.622

Club Event Points Trophy (Top 10)   Club Event Hcp Dare Trophy (Top 10)
1. Simon Mitchell 110   6. Brian Powney 39 1. Joe Bertorelli 58   6. Tony Tugwell 51
2. Joe Bertorelli 78 7. Jackie Dodd 38 2. Grant Pyke 56 7. Pete Mitchell 50
3. Iain Margery 48 8. Ann Bath 37 3. Lisa Colombo 55 8. Ann Bath 39
4. Pete Mitchell 40 9. Tony Tugwell 32 4. Jackie Dodd 52 9. Mark McNamara 34
5. Grant Pyke 40 10. Ray Dare 31 5. Simon Mitchell 51 10. Amy Robinson 34

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